O realizaci
About project:
Wine Society invites the costumer to the deep senses of the wine. The space follows the desire of the excellency and welcome each wine lover to a complete involvement with the portfolio. Wine Society is situated in “Vinohrady” area, which in the past was the vineyard of the Prague castle. The tradition and history of the place, is related with the design and products presented.
The project was conceived according to the program and aim of the business. It´s was developed and divided in two main areas, the welcoming area in the first floor, and the degustation area in the basement. The first floor is related with the Korunni street, and the glass vitrine allows the visual relation with the space. The ceiling installation with more than 2000 bottles creating a waiving movement is the main design element of the space. The light fixture covers the whole area, and the combination with the furniture from Jindrich Halabala, gives to the space a special and unique character. The degustation area and VIP lounge, in the basement, offers a flexible space for the different events. The brick construction was kept visible, which had been combined with oak detail works and light fixtures. Each element was design, crafted or combined with unique objects from the modernism period and 30´s design.
O projektu:
Společnost Wine Society oslovila Modernistu s přáním doladit části nových prostor stylovým nábytkem ze 30. let. Hlavním požadavkem bylo vybavit recepci – vstupní prostor vinotéky a následně vyřešit sezení ve VIP lounge.
Téměř veškerý použitý nábytek je dílem Jindřicha Halabalaly. Stůl H-180 v kombinaci černého a bílého laku ve vysokém lesku tvoří základ recepce. Trubková polokřesla čalouněná do kolekce Kirkby London Underground jsou pohodlná a výrazná jak u pracovního, tak u konferenčního stolu.
VIP lounge je složený z křesel Tulešice a konferenčního stolku H-168. Vše ve firemních barvách Wine Society. Jako doplňky posloužily stolní lampy Tubus a unikátní replika stojací lampy s posuvným stínidlem z opálového skla na závaží. Svítidla jsou také výrobkem společnosti Modernista.